
2023 Realistic Must-Haves for Your Next Home Renovation Project

10 January 2023

Today’s post is for everyone thinking about renovating their homes and may even have a long list of ideas and wishes because there are few things more fascinating in life than making your house genuinely YOUR HOME. You must reduce your wish list to a well-honed list of practical and realistic must-haves and priority items in order to move on to the next stage of your home renovation adventure.

We at Michael Worth will be more than happy to assist you on how you can cut down your wish list and end up with a realistic must-have list for your next renovation project this 2023.

Determine Your Budget Range

The first thing you’ll need to do is establish a precise budget range for your home renovation. Take note that we mentioned a budget RANGE. When you begin this procedure, you should have a budget in mind that is less than what you can finally spend on your renovation.

You should set aside a portion of your total budget as a contingency since, once you start knocking down walls, renovating a property invariably reveals unexpected situations and challenges.

You and your builder contractor will base the scope of your renovations on the lower end of your budget. Knowing that you have a small cushion to fall back on in case anything unexpected happens or you want to splurge on a finish option will make the entire process less stressful.

Always Prioritise Your Must-Haves

Always prioritise the items on your must-have list that inspired this renovation journey in the first place. Maybe during the past few years, your family has grown, and your kitchen or living room no longer meets your needs. You might need extra specialised or built-in storage as your family expands. Whatever the situation, always rank your must-have items in order of importance if you want this home renovation journey to be “worth it” to you.

Pay Special Attention to the Spaces You Use the Most

Pay special attention to your living room, master bedroom, kitchen and breakfast area, and any other space that you utilise daily. Think twice before upgrading your teenagers’ rooms to the “best of the best” if they will be leaving the nest in a few years. The importance of extra bedrooms and baths, dining rooms, and bonus/game rooms tends to decline over time, especially as children get older. As most people see more daily benefits from improving their interior spaces, improving the home’s exterior (beyond repairs) occasionally falls lower on the list.

The most important thing to keep in mind as you refine your wish list and go on to the next stage of your home renovation is to build a reliable team of partners who put your interests and goals first.

Luckily, you can rest assured that the team of Michael Worth can provide the quality services you deserve more than ever. We are Melbourne’s top builder contractor with over 35 years of history working in the building design and construction industry. Contact us today for all your design and construction needs.

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