
How to Build an Energy-Efficient Outdoor Living Space

24 October 2022

Most people concentrate on the interior of their homes when discussing energy efficiency in homes. This entails, among other things, sealing air leaks around doors, using LED lights, and upgrading to energy-efficient equipment.

But a home that actually conserves energy is as effective from the outside. Your pool or garden lights could be among the items in your backyard, wasting energy without your knowledge. To reduce your expenses and boost your savings, you must pay attention to how your outdoor living space utilises energy. Use these simple strategies to build an energy-efficient outdoor living space.

Look at Energy-Saving Lighting Options

As you would with your indoor lighting, replace your outside lights with energy-efficient versions. You can choose between solar- or LED-powered lights. Despite costing more upfront, LED garden lighting ends up being more reasonable in the long run. Compared to halogen bulbs, LED bulbs use 75% less energy and can last up to ten times longer. The Department of Industry, Science, Energy, and Resources estimates that switching ten halogen lights to LED will save you about $650 over the course of ten years.

On the other hand, solar lights are free to use, making up for the cost of each bulb. Solar-powered lights are frequently criticised for not being as bright as conventional ones. Fortunately, modern versions can effectively illuminate your garden because they have increased solar power and storage capacity.

Install an Insulated Patio Roof

Thanks to an insulated roof, your patio won’t get too warm, especially in the summer. To keep your patio cool and comfortable, it causes the heat to bounce off of its surface rather than absorb it. If your porch is insulated, you’ll use fans less frequently outside, which will save your energy costs.

The advantages of installing insulated patio roofing exceed the cost of turning your deck into a workstation or any other useful space. Your energy savings may rise because your HVAC system won’t have to work as hard to maintain your ideal temperature.

Consider Planting Shady Trees

On the east side of your property, plant trees with substantial canopies to block direct sunlight and lower the amount of heat your house absorbs. You might still get a lot of natural light because the leaves would allow light to filter through. If you reside in a city with predominantly hot, sunny days and little rain, trees can be very advantageous.

There are more techniques to make your outdoor space energy-efficient in addition to the three mentioned above. You can nurture drought-resistant plants, utilise manual tools outside rather than powered ones, and move to an artificial lawn. Find out which part of your yard uses the most electricity so you may replace it with a more environmentally friendly option.

if you are ready to build an energy-efficient outdoor space, know that Michael Worth Projects is the best builder that can make your ideal outdoor space happen. Michael has over 35 years of experience working in the design and building industries, which is both extensive and diverse experience. Check out our services and contact us for enquiries.

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