
Choose an Open Floor Plan Concept for Your Home in Melbourne

29 June 2022

The trend in modern architecture is always into an inviting and welcoming vibe, which is all about open floor plans. The open floor plan concept is a signature feature of […]

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Four Primary Components of a Green Building

10 June 2022

Green buildings have been constantly promoted by environmental advocates in recent years to reduce the devastating effects of climate change. Integrating environmentally friendly ways of building constructions has a significant […]

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Important Factors that Can Create an Effective Kitchen Design

27 May 2022

When renovating your kitchen space, the whole kitchen makeover project does not only involve shopping for kitchen equipment and just installing furniture without a concrete kitchen layout. Selecting the best […]

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Energy Efficiency in Commercial Building Design

12 May 2022

Energy-efficient commercial building designs have been constantly promoted by environmental advocates in recent years to counter the alarming effects of climate change in some parts of the world. Integrating sustainable […]

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The Rationale Behind Building Codes and Industry Regulations

27 April 2022

All buildings in Australia must meet the standards set in the building codes and industry regulations. Many home builders and business owners would try to dodge complying with the building […]

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